Business Power and the State in the Central Andes: Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru in Comparison

Book Presentation with Jonas Wolff via livestream (in Spanish)

Cover: Estado y poder empresarial en Bolivia Ecuador y Peru

In their latest book, John Crab­tree, Francisco Durand and Jonas Wolff inves­­tigate the political role of eco­nomic elites in Boli­via, Ecuador and Peru from a com­parative-­his­torical pers­pective. They exa­mine how business groups in the three coun­tries have inter­acted with state authori­ties from the mid-20th-cen­tury till the presentTheir ana­lysis covers the state-led import sub­stitutive indus­trialization of the 1950s-1970s, the neo­liberalism of the 80s and 90s and the post-neo­liberal period of 2000 on­wards and looks at the ba­lance of power between busi­ness elites and social move­ments.

John Crabtree is Research Associate at the Latin Ameri­can Centre at the Uni­versity of Oxford, Asso­ciate of the Politics Depart­ment at Brookes Univer­sity in Oxford and Region Head for Latin Ame­rica at Oxford Analy­tica Ltd. Jonas Wolff is Pro­fessor of Politi­cal Science with a focus on Trans­formation Studies and Latin America at Goethe Uni­versity, Frankfurt. The late Fran­cisco Durand, the third author of the book, was Full Profes­sor of Political Scien­ce at Pontifi­cia Universi­dad Católica del Peru and Pro­fessor Emeritus at the Uni­versity of Texas at San An­tonio.

The event will be held in Spanish.

When: April 18, 7.00 p.m. (UK)/2.00 p.m. (Bolivia)

Where: The event will be held online via Zoom. Please contact the Anglo-Bolivian Society (anglobolivian @gmail .com) to receive a link.