Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization

New PRIF Working Paper examines co-escalation dynamics in the context of radicalization

Abstract picture in various shades of red, in which people and fire can be seen in silhouette

Picture: flickr, Reinhard Dedecek | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

As (violent) radi­calization is challenging estab­lished social and political orders world­wide, governments began to intro­duce a range of poli­cies to counter terrorism (CT) and vio­lent extremism (P/CVE) well before but espe­cially after the 9/11 attacks. The new PRIF working paper by Hande Abay Gaspar, Julian Junk, Man­jana Sold and Clara-Auguste Süß shifts the atten­tion to the dy­namic inter­actions between protest and radi­calization on the one hand, and counter-­activities and preven­tion measures on the other. The authors set out to bring the dispersed know­ledge together, syste­matize the many forms of these inter­active dy­namics and argue that mutual aggra­vation can lead to (spirals of) esca­lation. As these co- or de-esca­lation dynamics require more attention concep­tually and empi­rically, the authors critically review the state of research and develop an ana­lytical frame­work that allows tracing these dy­namics. They make the case for a research program that includes multi­directional and multi-agent approaches and de­lineates a typo­logy of co-esca­lation dynamics.

Download (pdf): Abay Gaspar, Hande / Junk, Julian / Sold, Manjana / Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization, PRIF Working Papers No. 62, Frankfurt/M.