
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana

PRIF continues its Cooperation with KAIPTC and IPSS in Accra

Cover: Business Power and the State in the Central Andes

Monograph coauthored by Jonas Wolff unravels the influence of business actors in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru


PRIF is an associated partner of Wi-REX

Pascal Abb 10 Xiangshan Security Forum

Pascal Abb discussed China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Beijing

Fassade der Universität Malmö

Launch of Europe-wide Doctoral Programme dealing with radicalization processes

Hauswand mit zwei Händen, die Nadeln halten, und darüber der Schriftzug: "Tejiendo la paz"

New PRIF Spotlight (in German) examines reincorporation of former FARC combatants

Participants of the 5th India-EU Maritime Security Workshop

Pascal Abb gave a talk on China's Global Security Initiative (GSI)

Jonas Driedger (Photo: PRIF)

Substitution for Tobias Wille with focus on international security


Research Alliance “Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research” launches own website for more visibility

Wandgemälde mit einer Frau, einer Hand, die einen Bleistift hochhält, sich umarmenden Männern, einem Mikrofon, einer Frau und einem Kind sowie Friedenstauben.

New PRIF Report analyzes how peacebuilders experience backlash against gender-sensitive human-rights
