Jan-Philipp Vatthauer, Irene Weipert-Fenner

The Quest for Social Justice in Tunisia. Socioeconomic protest and political democratization post 2011


The toppling of the Tunisian dictator in 2011 created hopes that the country's economy would improve that have not been fulfilled. Since 2015, ever bigger protests have been held to demand employment and better living conditions. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, Jan-Philipp Vatthauer and Irene Weipert-Fenner investigate who is using which form of protest to demand what. They clarify why civil society actors have not been able to mediate between politicians and protesters.
They argue that including protesters in social dialogue fora and reforming recruitment practices can help create social peace.

Bibliographic record

Vatthauer, Jan-Philipp / Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2017): The Quest for Social Justice in Tunisia. Socioeconomic protest and political democratization post 2011, PRIF Report No. 143, Frankfurt/M.

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