European Migration Policy in Crisis

The enormous increase in the worldwide numbers of people seeking refuge has forced the EU to confront several of its structural weaknesses in the past decade. While the southern states of Europe had for long been the most exposed to the practical challenges of receiving so many refugees, as a consequence of the Schengen agreements, the 2015 “refugee crisis” led to a collapse of the EU border control regime. Debates around the issue of migration policy have been at the top of the agenda in European politics since at least the summer of 2015.  

It became evident then that the existing arrangements for refugee relief and the mechanisms for control of the EU’s external borders developed in the last 20 years are not sufficiently robust. The political debate over the “refugee crisis” also reflects just how badly the policy fields of refugees and asylum, migration and inte­gration have been neglected in general. The respective deficits, combined with diverging interests and different normative concepts of member states, prevent the EU from developing coherent political strategies to tackle the problems.

Our research in policy fields pertaining to refugees, migration, and integration shows that the crisis of the European migration policy perpetuates the humanitarian crisis at the southern borders. It is indispensable to respond to the flight of large numbers of refugees from neighbouring conflict areas without suspending human rights and international law. Therefore, the EU must return to a joint policy, develop a binding solidarity mechanism for the distribution and resettlement of refugees, and last but not least work together as well in fighting the complex causes of refuge and forced migrations.

Project director:
  • Gertheiss, Svenja
Frauen, Flucht und Sicherheit | 2018

Binnemann, Frauke / Mannitz, Sabine (2018): Frauen, Flucht und Sicherheit. Anforderungen an den Schutz weiblicher Geflüchteter in Deutschland, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 31.7.2018.

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Abschottung oder Teilhabe. Flüchtlingsschutz und Migrationspolitik in der Krise | 2018

Gertheiss, Svenja / Mannitz, Sabine (2018): Abschottung oder Teilhabe. Flüchtlingsschutz und Migrationspolitik in der Krise, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH) (Hg.), OSZE Jahrbuch 2016, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 209–220.

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Geflüchtete Frauen in Deutschland | 2018

Binnemann, Frauke / Mannitz, Sabine (2018): Geflüchtete Frauen in Deutschland. Anforderungen an eine geschlechtersensible Asyl- und Integrationspolitik, (Bd. WISO direkt 09/2018), Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik,

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From Exclusion to Participation: Refugee Protection and Migration Policy in Crisis | 2017

Mannitz, Sabine / Gertheiss, Svenja (2017): From Exclusion to Participation: Refugee Protection and Migration Policy in Crisis, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg / IFSH (eds), OSCE-Yearbook 2016. Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 187-197,

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Flucht, Asyl, Migration, Einwanderung | 2016

Gertheiss, Svenja / Mannitz, Sabine (2016): Flucht, Asyl, Migration, Einwanderung. Begriffsverwirrungen und politische Defizite, in: Johannsen, Margret/Schoch, Bruno/Mutschler, Max/Hauswedell, Corinna/Hippler, Jochen (Hg.), Friedensgutachten 2016, Berlin: LIT Verlag.

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Niemand macht sich eben mal so auf die Flucht | 2016

Mannitz, Sabine (2016): Niemand macht sich eben mal so auf die Flucht, StadtLandKind. Magazin, 1.3.2016.

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Zielkonflikt Einwanderung | 2011

Hauswedell, Corinna / Mannitz, Sabine (2011): Zielkonflikt Einwanderung. Woran fehlt es dem European Dream?, in: Johannsen, Margret/Schoch, Bruno/Hauswedell, Corinna/Debiel, Tobias/Fröhlich, Christiane (Hg.), Friedensgutachten 2011, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 102-113,

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Europäische Einwanderungspolitik: An den Grenzen des Gleichheitsversprechens | 2006

Sabine Mannitz, Europäische Einwanderungspolitik: An den Grenzen des Gleichheitsversprechens, in: Reinhard Mutz/Bruno Schoch/Corinna Hauswedell/Jochen Hippler/Ulrich Ratsch (Hg.), Friedensgutachten 2006, Münster (LIT), 2006, S. 103-111.

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