Civil Society Monitoring of Far-Right Activities (CiSMon)

Since the upsurge of right-wing and racist violence in the 1990s, civil society monitoring of far-right activities has become increasingly impor­tant and en­compasses a broad spectrum of actors. The practice of monitoring by anti-fascist grass­roots initiatives, municipal coun­selling centres and victim coun­selling centres as well as nationally operating foun­dations differs from the moni­toring of the extreme right by state agencies. The project exa­mines which practices and problem des­criptions characterize civil society monitoring. In addition, it will be asked what impact civil society monitoring has on the activities of the far right and the ambi­guously structured field in which civil society and extreme right actors move in equal measure.

Project director:
Die Pogrome von morgen verhindern. | 2023

Zschocke, Paul (Hg.), (2023): Die Pogrome von morgen verhindern. Alltägliche Solidarität trotz rassistischer Gewalt und rechter Raumnahme in Grünau, Leipzig: Chronik.LE, 14–17,

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Zivilgesellschaftliche Dokumentationsarbeit gegen rechte Raumnahme | 2022

Zschocke, Paul / Hemann, Max / Bandt, Emily (2022): Zivilgesellschaftliche Dokumentationsarbeit gegen rechte Raumnahme, in: Decker, Oliver/Kalkstein, Fiona/Kiess, Johannes (Hg.), Demokratie in Sachsen. Jahrbuch des Else-Fraenkel-Brunswik-Institus für 2021, Leipzig: Edition Überland, 191–204,

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