Mission Statement

The Peace Research Institute Frankfurt stands for

  • Basic research. Aimed at benefiting humanity, the work of PRIF focuses on basic research promoting progress in scientific knowledge about peace-related issues.
  • Theoria cum praxi. The Leibniz Association aims at providing research-driven policy advice (independent, objective and nonpartisan) and knowledge transfer.
  • Good scientific practice. PRIF scholars follow the guidelines on good scientific practice of the Leibniz Association, the German Research Foundation and the German Political Science Association, which share a focus on scholars' honesty with themselves and others. PRIF supports those working for the institute in implementing these principles with an Ethics Guideline (PDF) and a policy for dealing with allegations of scientific misconduct (PDF).
  • Interdisciplinarity. At PRIF, researchers in the social sciences, humanities and natural sciences collaborate across disciplines.
  • Excellent training. Doctoral training at PRIF qualifies young scholars for an academic career, but also for positions at research institutions, in politics or industry, as well as in civil society or international organizations.
  • Equal opportunities. PRIF equally promotes scientific and administrative careers for women and men, and supports making work more compatible with familiy life.
  • Diversity. PRIF has set itself the goal of counteracting discrimination in every dimension and promoting diversity in the institute structure, work culture and research practice.
  • Sustainability. PRIF highly values ecological, social and economic sustainability in all processes of the institute's operations and research practice. The Mission Statement Sustainability (PDF) represents PRIF's commitment to a culture of sustainability.
  • Teamwork. The working atmosphere at PRIF is characterized by mutual respect, flat hierarchies and cooperativeness.


Diversity Charter

As a signatory to the employers' initiative “Charta der Vielfalt”, PRIF is committed to promoting diversity in companies and institutions.