African Agency in Peace and Security: Peace Operations and Maritime Security

PRIF co-hosts webinar on peace operations in Africa

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (HSFK/PRIF), Germany in collabo­ration with the Inter­national Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) and with the GIZ support to the Kofi Annan Inter­national Peace­keeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) convened a virtual seminar on ‘African Agency in Peace Operations, Peace­building and Maritime Security’ on 27 January 2021. The seminar provided a platform for practitioners and scholars to discuss the progress, limits and oppor­tunities for African agency in matters of peace and security particularly on issues relating to peace operations and maritime security.


There have been three topics examined during the webinar:

The first session focussed on peace operations in Africa and the questions on how to integrate regional organi­sations and local agency and how to increase co­ordination between all actors engages on a vertical as well as horizontal level. Being torn between the need to reform and the responsi­bility to act, a major challenge exists regarding the responsi­bility to intervene. Participants also have gained insights on local aspects of peace­building challenged by power structures and im­balances.

The second session discussed the prepared­ness of Eastern and Western African countries in securing their maritime territories and borders. It was highlighted that maritime security threats go way beyond piracy, talking about illegal fishing, smuggling, trafficking of goods and persons, which have devastating effects on local populations, lead to the loss of govern­ment revenues and finally fuels instability and conflict.

The third session examined best practices in preventing violent extremism, including the approaches of rehabili­tation and re­integration of former extremists. One of the core findings is that building resilience of youth, for example through enhancing critical thinking, is key to reduce the vulnera­bility to extremist views and courses of action. Rehabili­tation and reintegration of converts, former extremists, former comman­dants, needs to be a factor in post-conflict life and re­conciliation.

A summary of the presen­tations will be published in the Africa Amani Journal.


See program

The virtual seminar "African Agency in Peace and Security: Peace Operations and Maritime Security" was organized on PRIF's side by Samantha Ruppel. She is a researcher at the Research Department "Glocal Junctions" and conducts research on peace­building and critical peace research with a regional focus on African countries.