Annual Conference on 21 and 22 September 2018

Verification in Crisis - the Crisis of Verification. New Technology as a Hurdle to and an Enabler of Verification in Arms Control

From the per­spec­tive of arms con­trol, mo­dern tech­no­lo­gy is both a curse and a bles­sing. On one hand, many new tech­no­lo­gies can be used to li­mit pro­li­fer­ation of cri­tical ma­terial or com­po­nents or to help verify exis­ting arms control arrange­ments. On the other hand, new tech­no­lo­gies make it easier to hide cri­tical ca­pa­bi­li­ties or to by­pass exis­ting arms con­trol re­gimes. The con­fe­rence brings to­gether ex­perts from the fields of wea­pons of mass des­truc­tion, con­ven­tional arma­ment and emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies will de­bate pro­blems and chan­ces of latest high-tech, with a parti­cular, yet not ex­clusive view on in­for­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gy, in their re­spec­tive field to in­spire each other to find com­mon so­lu­tions to si­mi­lar pro­blems.

The conference is sponsored by the German Foundation for Peace Research.


When? Fri­day, 21 Sep­tem­ber 2018, 12-20pm and Satur­day, 22 Sep­tem­ber 2018, 9-16.30pm
Where? Peace Re­search In­sti­tute Frank­furt, Basel­er Stra­ße

To re­gis­ter as a partici­pant of the An­nual Con­ference, please send an e-mail to annualconference @hsfk .de un­til Au­gust 31st, 2018.