Confidence Building in the Black Sea Region

First ever Conference on Confidence Building in the Black Sea launches in Athens, Greece

Satellite Image of the Black Sea | Photo: NASA

Satellite Image of the Black Sea | Photo: NASA

Regional cooperation and economic inter­action plays a signifi­cant role in the develop­ment and inter­national integ­ration of the Black Sea countries. Besides, econo­mic coope­ration instead of conflict became the basis upon which the Organi­sation of the Black Sea Eco­nomic Coo­peration was estab­lished in 1992.

Today, despite the econo­mic synergies deve­loped among the count­ries, regional integ­ration remains at low level; while more impor­tantly, tension and conflicts have not been prevented. Confi­dence Building Mea­sures are actions of political, economic, environ­mental and cultural character that aim to foster trust and faci­litate commu­nication among parties.

Within this context, the Inter­national Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) – in coo­peration with Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) – will orga­nise a first ever Confe­rence on Confi­dence Building in the Black Sea, in Athens, Greece. The event aims to provide a plat­form for dialog­ue for national and regional stake­holders, to stimulate the discus­sion on building confi­dence through cross-pillar actions at eco­nomic, environ­mental, cultural and socials levels.



  • to assess the level of non-military confi­dence buil­ding mea­sures in the Black Sea region;
  • to highlight existing actions and proces­ses, as a tool to sup­port dialogue and under­standing among parties;
  • to share know­ledge and best practices of CBMs from other regions.


Nicole Deitelhoff, executive director at PRIF, will open the confe­rence with a welcome address. Hans-Joachim Spanger, associate researcher, partici­pates in the panel on paradigms and relevant concepts of confi­dence building.

When: Monday, December 9, 2019 at 09:30
Where: Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece


The event’s wor­king lan­guage is English. A regist­ration form is available on the website of the Inter­national Centre for Black Sea Studies. The comp­lete draft agenda of the confe­rence is provided here.