Philip Gourevitch and Anton Peez: Lessons From Rwanda

Discussion as part of the international literature festival berlin

artwork of the international literature festival berlin

More than 800,000 people fell victim to the 1994 geno­cide in Rwanda. Journalist and author Philip Goure­vitch has traveled to the shattered country for nine conse­cutive years and traces the psycho­logical after­math of the geno­cide in his lite­rary portraits of people from Rwanda. Anton Peez has ex­plored questions of the inter­national community’s respon­sibility, analyzing German foreign policy in the run-up to and during the genocide and formu­lating policy recommen­dations for similar situations in the future.

When: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 | 6 pm

Where: Haus der Berliner Fest­spiele, Schaper­straße 24, 10719 Berlin | Live­stream

Tickets are 10 €, reduced tickets are 6 €. Further infor­mation on the event can be found on the inter­national litera­ture festival berlin website.