Another War in the Middle East?

In the latest HSFK Report, Gert Krell and Harald Müller discuss Günter Grass's failed literary attempt to spark off a public debate about the nuclear conflict between Israel and Iran

Günter Grass's political poem "Was gesagt werden muss" ("What must be said") which contemplates the conflict between Israel and Iran caused by the Iranian nuclear programme, has had a significant impact both in Germany and internationally. Experts are shocked about the extent of Grass's misconceptions of the crisis and the stigmatisation of Israel as a threat to global peace. But the poem also finds approval in the German public - even with those who normally reject every form of anti-Semitic tendencies.


The new HSFK Report "Noch ein Krieg im Nahen Osten? Zum misslungenen Anstoß von Günter Grass zu einer überfälligen öffentlichen Debatte" ("Another War in the Middle East? On the Failed Attempt of Günter Grass to Induce an Overdue Public Debate") approaches the subject in two separate studies: Gert Krell discusses the Iranian nuclear programme and the threat of a war between Israel and Iran. Harald Müller systematically analyses the anti-Semitic connotations of the poem.


Dr Gert Krell is professor emeritus for International Politics at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. From 1971-1977, he worked as research fellow at PRIF. From 1981-1995, Krell held a position as head of department at PRIF.


This Report can be ordered at PRIF for EUR 6,- and is also available as free PDF download.