Awards for DVD on War in the Media

The DVD “Krieg in den Medien” decorated with the Comenius EduMedia-seal and a medal for outstanding multimedia products

On 20 June 2008, the DVD “Krieg in den Medien” (War in the Media) was decorated with the Comenius EduMedia-seal and a medal for outstanding multimedia products. The DVD was made by the „Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen e.V.“ (Voluntary Self-Regulation of TV-Broadcasting) in Berlin, the „Institut für Bildung in der Informationsgesellschaft e.V.“ (Institute for Education in Information Society) in Berlin, and PRIF. These three institutions share the awards.


PRIF researchers Prof. Dr Christian Büttner and Magdalena Kladzinski worked on idea and concept, and they also served as scientific counsellors of the project. Magdalena Kladzinski attended the award ceremony in Berlin.


The DVD was developed for youth of 12 years and older. Attached to the DVD, teachers find a booklet that gives them a helping hand in didactical and technical issues.


The Comenius Awards are probably the most distinguished awards in Germany and Europe in the field of didactical multimedia products. The are awarded by the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information (Society for Pedagogy and Information). A press release on the awards as well as photos of the ceremony can be found at the website of the Society for Pedagogy and Information.