Bundeswehr under Transformation

In volume 3 of PRIF’s study series Dörthe Rosenow analyses the functional change of the military commissioner (Wehrbeauftragter)

Since the end of the Cold War, the Bundeswehr has been under constant transformation. This has crucially influenced the relationship between the military and the state institutions as well as the civil society. Especially the tighter bonds to the executive state organs have consequences for parliamentary control and the future orientation of German foreign policy. In volume 3 of the study-series Studien der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung entitled Der Wehrbeauftragte im Transformationsprozess. Vom Kontrolleur zum Ombudsmann Dörthe Rosenow examines the changing role of the Bundeswehr using the example of the military commissioner to the parliament (Wehrbeauftragter). Theoretically and empirically Rosenow analyses reasons and consequences for the functional change of the military commissioner. The study terminates by fitting the results into the current discussion about the theory of democratic peace and finally gives recommendations as how to improve the performance of the military commissioner to serve better his role as parliamentary control institution over the military.