Common Democracy – Divided Society

In HSFK-Report 9/2008 Thorsten Gromes comments on the level of democratisation of post-civil war-society in Bosnia and Herzegowina

After the end of civil war in 1995 there were made huge efforts by peace missions to implement democray in Bosnia and Herzegowina.


But today, 13 years later,  a dwindling acceptance of the common state must be noticed. Thorsten Gromes shows in his HSFK-Report Gemeinsame Demokratie, geteilte Gesellschaft. Die Un-Möglichkeit einer Friedensstrategie in Bosnien und Herzegowina (Common Democracy, Divided Society. The im-possibility of a peace strategy in Bosnia and Hezegowina) a society drifting apart again.


The author recommends holding out the prospect of  membership in EU to support the European integration of Bosnia and Herzegowina and to narrow down the power of the High Representative to delegate more responsibility to the young state.