Confusion, not clarity

The new HSFK-Report 7/2014 criticizes the German federals governments’ vagueness concerning their arms export policies during 1998 and 2013

When it comes to arms export politics the interests of foreign policy, arms industry and security policy are conflicting. This confusion is accompanied by the ramified responsibilities of various government ministries. Due to this mix-up, a a consistent arms export policy can hardly be implemented. On the basis of coalition agreements and government statements since 1998, Bernhard Moltmann shows, how governments and coalitions have always kept avoiding a clear positioning.


In the latest HSFK-Report 7/2014 "Wirrwarr statt Klarheit. Rüstungsexportpolitik in Koalitionsverträgen und Regierungserklärungen (1998-2013)" Bernhard Moltmann states, how important it would be to separate arms export politics from the interests of the arms industry and the foreign trade politics and to provide clear the objectives of the foreign and security policy concerning armament deals.


Dr Bernhard Moltmann is a visiting fellow at the research department "Governance and Societal Peace" at PRIF.  His research focuses on German arms Exports, reconciliation in post civil war societies and ethics of peace.


This HSFK-Report is available at PRIF for 6 € or as free PDF download (in German).