Cooperations in Evaluation

PRIF Report on cooperations between security authorities and civil society actors in the prevention of extremism

Titelbild PRIF Report 8/2022 (Foto: Stefan Kunze, Unsplash, Unsplash License/Bearbeitung: Anja Feix).

The cooperation of civil society and security authority actors in the pre­vention of extre­mism and its evaluation pose a parti­cular challenge. Here, very diffe­rent actors with highly diver­gent concepts and working methods come together. Further require­ments arise from data protection and from various aspects of confi­dentiality and secrecy.

How can eva­luation contribute to the develop­ment of a trusting, respectful and constructive inter­action in which practice-relevant results are ex­changed, reflected and pre­served among the actors in­volved? And what oppor­tunities and challen­ges do cooperating actors asso­ciate with eva­luation? Julian Junk, Svetla Koynova, Vivienne Ohlenforst, Maximilian Ruf and Lea Scheu address these questions in the new PRIF Report by the PrEval project. On the basis of 40 semi-structured inter­views, they explore these questions, structure the needs and derive recommen­dations for profe­ssional practice, research, politics and admini­stration.

Download: Junk, Julian/Koynova, Svetla/Ohlenforst, Vivienne/Ruf, Maximilian/Scheu, Lea Deborah (2022): Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Kooperation sicherheitsbehördlicher und zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure in der sekundären und tertiären Extremismusprävention, PRIF Report 8/2022, Frankfurt/M.

External Authors

Svetla Koynova is a political scientist and research associate at Violence Prevention Network (VPN). Vivienne Ohlen­forst is a political scientist and research associate at Violence Prevention Network (VPN) and modus|zad in Berlin. Maximilian Ruf is an Islamic and social scientist. He is deputy head of the science department at Violence Prevention Network (VPN).

Further infor­mation on the project “PrEval Evaluation Designs for Prevention Measures” at (in German).