Democracy promotion between interests and values

HSFK Report 12/2010 by Cemal Karakas on the German and U.S. ambivalence towards political Islam in Turkey

Since the mid 1990s two Islamic and Islamistic parties came into power in the Turkish government followed by a domestic power struggle with the secular-kemalist elites in state and society. The two most important donor countries of development and foreign aid – Germany and the United States – have since been confronted with a difficult balance act. They are torn between tolerating (and strengthening) the kemalist elite in military and justice for the sake of their own national interests and the support of the Islamic/Islamistic government parties and their right to self-determination for value-orientated reasons.


In HSFK-Report 12/2010 "Demokratieförderung zwischen Interessen und Werten. US-amerikanische und deutsche Reaktionen auf den politischen Islam in der Türkei" (Democracy Promotion Between Interests and Norms. U.S. and German Reactions Towards the Rise of Political Islam in Turkey) Cemal Karakas examines the way Germany and the United States deal with the conflict between (national) interests and (democratic) values. The author concludes with recommendations towards "western" promoters of democracy concerning the relationship with Turkey and other Muslim countries.


The report can be ordered at PRIF for EUR 6,- and is also available as free pdf download.