Democracy Promotion between Rapprochement and Sanctions

Aser Babajew on the handling of the Lukashenko regime in Belarus by the United States and Germany in a new HSFK Report

Despite the efforts of western democracy promoters, especially the United States and Germany, Belarus is reckoned as a typical example of failed democratization. The analysis of Belorussian elections since 2004 reveals the inefficacy of the democratization process in view of the autocratic Lukashenko regime.


In HSFK Report No. 3/2011 "Demokratieförderung zwischen Annäherung und Sanktionen. Der US-amerikanische und deutsche Umgang mit dem Lukaschenko-Regime in Belarus" (Democracy Promotion between Agreement and Sanctions. The US and German handling of the Lukashenko regime in Belarus) Aser Babajew points out how both countries are forced to readjust their strategy towards Belarus. The author also gives recommendations on the future justification of their policy.


The report can be ordered directly at PRIF for the price of EUR 6,- and is also available as free PDF download.