Democracy’s Retreat?

In HSFK-Standpunkt 5/2007, Stephanie Sohnius investigates the controversy about the retreat of the American forces between the president and the congress

Meanwhile most of the Americans and the democratic majority in the congress condemm strongly the Iraq war. They are demanding a concrete time limit for the retreat of the forces. But without success! There is a twighlight zone in the American constitution regulating the competences of the congress and the president concerning all decisions of war. Democracy on retreat?


In HSFK-Standpunkt 5/2007 „Demokratie auf dem Rückzug? Zur Konfrontation zwischen amerikanischem Präsidenten und Kongress über einen Truppenrückzug im Irak“ (Democracy’s Retreat? On the confrontation between the US president and congress about a retreat of troops from Iraq), Stephanie Sohnius spotlights this important debate in American foreign policy and investigates whether the vehement engagement against terrorism is undermining slowly but surely democratic principles.


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