Democratic Strife

New Study of PRIF analyzes the difficult relationship of democracy and internal conflicts

Democratisation does not only cause political destabilisation in a state - it often results in violent conflicts.

In numerous, in-depth case studies, the authors of the latest PRIF study "Der demokratische Unfrieden. Über das spannungsreiche Verhältnis zwischen Demokratie und innerer Gewalt" (Democratic strife. The difficult relationship of democracy and internal conflicts) examine how and why some "semi- democratised" countries have a high level of violence while others have not.


Editor Hans-Joachim Spanger summarizes the latest research on the topic and discusses the ambivalence of Civil Democratic Peace. Peter Kreuzer illustrates strategies to solve ethnical conflicts, Jonas Wolff analyzes the political economy of Civil Democratic Peace and Thorsten Gromes evaluates the risks  democratisation offers to post civil war societies.


This Study of PRIF is available at Nomos publishing house.