Researching the "Value of the Past"

PRIF investigates the culture of remembrance as part of new Leibniz Research Alliance

Projektion auf das Humboldt-Forum in Berlin (Foto: Joachim Saupe).

Projection onto the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Photo: Joachim Saupe

Follo­wing its kick off in September 2021, the new Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past" has now officially commenced. A total of 21 Leibniz institutes and Leibniz research museums – including Peace Research Institute Frank­furt (PRIF) – are examining proces­ses of value creation as well as competing values that built the basis for the preser­vation of cultural and natural heri­tage and also for societal dis­courses about the past.

The Leibniz Research Alliance also coope­rates with institu­tions from various fields of appli­cation, from museums, collections and archives to memorial sites and actors in the field of public history. It inquires into how histo­rical evidence is shaped by language, mediality and digitality, how notions of space and time contour images of history, and how the resource of the past is used for communal pro­cesses and identity conflicts as well as on a growing history market – in German, European and global dimensions.

Sabine Mannitz re­presents PRIF in the new Leibniz Research Alliance. Together with other researchers at PRIF, she will conduct research on the culture of remem­brance. Furthermore, PRIF is involved in a working group on the history of the Anthro­pocene.

Further Information

Please find more in­formation about the Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past" on its website and in the official press release (in German).