#DFS2023: The Future of Trade and Peace in German Foreign Policy

Online-Discussion at the Ger­man Forum on Se­cu­ri­ty Po­li­cy with Nicole Deitelhoff (PRIF), Janka Oertel (ECFR) and Christoph Trebesch (IfW)

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PRIF will con­tri­bute to an on­line dis­cus­sion in this year's Ger­man Forum on Se­cu­ri­ty Po­li­cy, which is hos­ted by the Fe­der­al A­ca­de­my for Se­cu­ri­ty Po­li­cy (BAKS). Nicole Deitelhoff, Janka Oertel from the Eu­ro­pe­an Coun­cil on For­eign Re­la­tions, and Christoph Trebesch from the Kiel In­sti­tute for the World E­co­no­my will par­ti­ci­pate in the e­vent on “The Future of Trade and Peace in German Foreign Policy”.

The online discussion addresses the question of whether the formulation of a pure China strategy is sufficient, or whether a broader perspective for Germany's (trade) relations with autocratically led countries is needed instead. When can economic ties promote peace, and when do they foster conflict or political crises? What might a German policy of controlled disengagement look like? And what are the concrete implications for the expected National Security Strategy?

When? Wednesday, May 24,2023 | 16.00 – 17.30 p.m. GMT+1

Where? Online via Webex | Registrationvia e-Mail to bannan-fischer(at)prif.org