Hessian Peace Prize 2014 awarded to Rubem César Fernandes

The director of the NGO "Viva Rio" was honoured for his dedication to promote a culture of peace in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

On 24th July 2014 the Hessian Peace Prize was awarded to Rubem César Fernandes, director of the NGO "Viva Rio". The award ceremony took place at the music hall of the Hessian Parliament (Landtag). Norbert Kartmann, president of the Landtag, emphasized: "Viva Rio means struggle against violence and poverty, it is the pacification especially of urban districts in metropolises. The collection and destruction of private weapons carried out by Viva Rio in 2001, for instance, still remains the largest initiative of this type worldwide." Hessian Minister-President Volker Bouffier calls Rubem César Fernandes an outstanding role model, who has left marks in the lives of many people.


The laudation was held by Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska, Academic Director at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. "The level of violence in Rio de Janeiro is still high as compared to international standards. But it has decreased significantly", Brzoska highlights in his speech. "Rubem César Fernandes' work and Viva Rio, which have contributed to that in a great measure, show that violence in big cities can be counteracted successfully. Our laureate has set an example, how much a person, capable and willing to combine idealism and organizational talent, can achieve.


Board chairman of the Hessian Peace Prize, retired minister of state Karl Starzacher, read out the text of the award certificate and handed it over to the recipient together with president of the Landtag Kartmann. Founded in the early 1990s, Viva Rio first was a social movement and a media phenomenon, according to Rubem César Fernandes in his acceptance speech. "Vivo Rio has become a service provider in radical situations, in situations of poverty and armed violence, and constantly expands its work in the fields of healthcare, education and conflict mediation. Today Viva Rio has more than 6000 employees, 95 percent work in the poor districts where armed violence prevails. Sustainability is the key word for Viva Rio's future."

The Hessian Peace Prize and  the Board of Trustees were founded in 1993 by former Minister-President Albert Osswald. The prize is endowed with 25.000 euros.