Is Germany's security policy at the crossroads? Symposium on the Peace Report's recommendations

Forum "Peace and Security Policy" on 9th June 2011 hosted by State Agency for Civic Education of Rhineland-Palatinate

"Is Germany's Security Policy at the Crossroads? On the recommendations of the Peace Report 2011"


Please note that the entire conference will be held in German!


Dr. Angela Kaiser-Lahme, GDKE, Director Burgen, Schlösser, Altertümer
Dr. Rüdeger Schlaga, State Agency for Civic Education of Rhineland-Palatinate
Dr. Bruno Schoch, PRIF, co-editor of Peace Report
Dr. Matthias Dembinski, PRIF
Dr. Jürgen Groß, Commission "Europäische Sicherheit und Zukunft der Bundeswehr" at the Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)


When: Thursday, 9th June 2011, 2 p.m.

Where: Koblenz, Kurt-Esser-Haus

Hosted by: Forum Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung RLP, Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe.


