Teaching cooperation with Kyiv

PRIF Researchers Give Online Seminar at Kyiv-Mohyla University

A dancing girl is drawn on a bombed building by Banksy

Banksy in Irpin (Foto: Wikimedia Commons, Rasal Hague, CC BY-SA 4.0)

In order to maintain teaching at Kyiv-Mohyla University in Kiev even in times of war, six PRIF resear­chers are partici­pating in the online semi­nar "Introduc­tion to Peace and Con­flict Studies" in spring term 2023. The two Ukrai­nian lectu­rers Galyna Solovei and Kate­ryna Zarembo have taken over the plan­ning of the semi­nar with the sup­port of Simone Wisotzki. The aim of the semi­nar is to impart basic know­ledge about fields of work and theo­ries of peace and con­flict research.

Despite the ongo­ing war, students should have the oppor­tunity to acquire know­ledge and take exams. Since the power supply in Kiev is current­ly unre­liable, the online course will be recor­ded and can according­ly be taken later.

From PRIF, Felix Bethke, Jonas Driedger, Patrick Flamm, Thorsten Gromes, Irene Weipert-Fenner and Simone Wisotzki are partici­pating. Felix Bethke dedi­cates his semi­nar hour to the topic of "civil wars", Simo­ne Wisotzki to arms con­trol and Thorsten Gromes to humanita­rian mili­tary interven­tions. Patrick Flamm deals with the relation­ship between con­flicts and cli­mate change, Jonas Dried­ger with inter­state wars, and Irene Wei­pert-Fenner with revolu­tions and regime chan­ges. As an exami­nation assign­ment, students write an essay on their experi­ences of war. The PRIF tea­chers donate the remune­ration for the tea­ching assign­ment to women's aid organiza­tions in Ukraine.