Leibniz Initiative With PRIF’s Participation

New research network “Integrated Earth System Research” develops interdisciplinary foundations

Photo: Free-Photos, Pixabay

Photo: Free-Photos, Pixabay

The newly founded Leibniz research initiative “Integrated Earth System Research” brings together institutions of the Leibniz Association to investigate the Anthro­pocene – an Earth age shaped by humans – in an interdis­ciplinary way. Together, current and future challenges to the human-nature relationship are analyzed. 

The increasing influence of human­kind on the Earth system leads us today to speak of an Anthro­pocene. Global warming, pollution of the oceans and the decline of bio­diversity are visible signs of such an Anthro­pocene and confront us with challenges of civili­zation-historical importance. Last but not least, it also means an increase in intra-state and inter-state conflicts.

In order to meet these challenges, scientists of the Leibniz Association have founded the initiative “Integrated Earth System Research”, which brings together interdis­ciplinary knowledge and aims to develop solutions for and with politics, industry and civil society.

Experts from the fields of climate, bio­diversity and ocean research, as well as global economic, spatial and inter­national peace and conflict researchers are involved. In this cooperation, PRIF contributes to the questions of the regulation of inter­national environ­mental crises as well as to the analysis of conflicts, whose causes are partly due to changes in the Earth system.

To the press release of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (PDF; in German).

About the Research Network

Leibniz Institutes, Centers and Research Museums from different disciplines have joined forces to form the Leibniz Research Network “Integrated Earth System Research” (iESF). The network sets itself the task of gaining knowledge about the Earth system that is relevant for action by society. Above all, the planetary boundaries of the Earth system are to be determined as well as sustainable develop­ment paths derived from them. To this end, the network develops innovative foundations for integrated Earth system research.

Leibniz Research Networks are dedicated to a special focus topic or a key technology. The aim is to bundle, exchange and further develop the specialist and methodo­logical-technical competencies of the partici­pating Leibniz Institu­tions and to make them visible to the outside world. Leibniz Research Networks are established by the Leibniz Presidium upon proposal from the Leibniz Association.