Leibniz research association "Krisen einer globalisierten Welt" (crises of a globalized world) is online

Launch of the website of the Leibniz research association "Krisen einer globalisierten Welt" (crises of a globalized world)

The Leibniz research association "Krisen einer globalisierten Welt" (crises of a globalized world) which has been started in April can be found on the internet from now on at www.leibniz-krisen.de.

The homepage of the association presents the research foci and ongoing projects of the network. It also informs about latest events and the institutions involved.

Furthermore the research association is represented from now on in the social networks Facebook and Twitter.

Twenty Leibniz institutes cooperate in this Leibniz research association in order to analyze mechanisms and dynamics of crises as well as their interdependencies in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner. Its focus lies on financial market and debt crises, global food crises, ecological crises and crises of political systems of order.

Dr. Thorsten Thiel
thiel @hsfk .de