Local Extreme Right: Analyses of Everyday Socialisations

New anthology "Lokal extrem Rechts" by Daniel Mullis and Judith Miggelbrink looks at right-wing extremism beyond urban-rural and east-west polarisations.

Local Extreme Right (Cover: transcript-verlag, Open Access).

Since the rise of the AfD and the unmasking of the NSU, the causes and background of the rise of extreme right-wing politics in Germany have been intensively discussed. However, there is usually a lack of qualitative analyses and differentiated spatial considerations beyond urban-rural or east-west polarisations. The contributors to this volume understand the local as a site of individual and emotional appropriation processes and analyse local socialisations in the context of political transformation. Their analyses enable a comparative view of local constellations. In this way, they make a complementary and innovative contribution to the empirically grounded and theoretically oriented analysis of social regression.

The new anthology "Lokal extrem Rechts" edited by Daniel Mullis and Judith Miggelbrink includes contributions from human geography, political science, sociology, social pedagogy, criminology and violence and conflict research. The publication is available as OpenAccess at transcript-publishing (in German).