No Reason for Sounding Alarm Bells

In HSFK-Standpunkt 5/2008 Carsten Rauch calls for a pragmatical handling of the U.S.-India nuclear deal

The U.S.-India nuclear deal permitting India the import of nuclear technology and material caused a storm of protest. This special provision, although India hasn´t been acceeding the non-prolifertaion treaty yet, seems to be a disaster for global arms control.


Carsten Rauchinvestigates in HSFK-Standpunkt 5/2008 Desaster, Durchbruch oder Dilemma? Plädoyer für eine pragmatischen Umgang mit der indisch-amerikanischen Nuklearkooperation (Disaster, Breakthrough or Dilemma? Plea for a pragmatical handling of the U.S.-India nuclear deal) the validity of all reproaches and studies the pros and cons – and arrives at surprising results.