Regional Research Center “TraCe” Goes Online

More Visibility for the Research Center “Transformations of Political Violence” through its own Website

Many tire tracks in the sand.

Photo: Admiral_Lebioda via Pixabay (edited)

With the launch of its web­site, the regional research center Trans­formations of Politi­cal Violence (TraCe) in­creases its visi­bility. It offers a depiction of the partici­pating insti­tutions, the intro­duction of the scientific ad­visory board, a detailed team page and the possibility for the arrange­ment of (press) inter­views. An over­view of the re­search areas and precise des­cription of the work packages re­veals its wor­king struc­ture and gives valuable in­sights to the re­search process. Last but not least, the web­site provides regular news about TraCe’s work progress, events, publi­cations and other medial formats to come.

Since April 2022, TraCe has been re­searching the causes, dy­namics and effects of political vio­lence from different scien­tific pers­pectives. The colla­borative project, con­sisting of the Peace Re­search Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), the Goethe Univer­sity Frankfurt, the Justus Liebig Univer­sity Giessen, the Philipps Univer­sity Marburg and the Tech­nical Univer­sity Darmstadt, is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a pe­riod of four years.

Until 2026, more than thirty scien­tists will examine historical and contem­porary trans­formations of violence inter­disciplinary with the aim of iden­tifying the conse­quences for do­mestic and inter­national peace as well as devel­oping strategies to con­tain political vio­lence under changing con­ditions. In doing so, the center not only wants to bun­dle the exper­tise of the various Hessian lo­cations and make it inter­nationally visible, but also to es­tablish permanent series of events and promote a comprehen­sive knowledge trans­fer.

From PRIF, Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff, Sabine Mannitz, Thilo Marauhn, Hanna Pfeifer and Jonas Wolff are involved as principal invest­igators. Research asso­ciates are Regine Schwab and Núrel Bahí Reitz. The coordination of the research network as well as the knowledge transfer lie at PRIF with Jannik Pfister and Tina Cramer (respectively).

The web­site can be reached at the following URL and is available in both German and English:

The design was created with the help of grübel­fabrik e.k. from Frankfurt and imple­mented by media machine from Mainz.

TraCe can also be found on Twitter as of today: