The concept of peaceful power transition

In PRIF Study No. 26 Carsten Rauch analyzes the power transition theory and the global political rise of India

Contrary to the widely-spread opinion, power transitions in the international system do not necessarily proceed violently. The concept of peaceful power transition, especially in the context of the power transition theory (PTT), needs to be systematically analyzed.


In his PRIF Study "Das Konzept des friedlichen Machtübergangs. Die Machtübergangstheorie und der weltpolitische Aufstieg Indiens", Carsten Rauch shows that the idea of peaceful power transition should be at the center of attention regarding the PTT. Therefore, he re-conceptualizes the theory and its key variables: power, the will to power and satisfaction. Based on this refined PTT, the author evaluates the US-Indian nuclear deal as a basically appropriate instrument for power transition management. 


This PRIF Study is available at Nomos publishing house.