The Deconstruction of Democracy through Culture

In the latest publication of "Studies of PRIF", Mirjam Weiberg-Salzmann examines the civil war in Sri Lanka and why violence may function as a means of conflict resolution

A universal explanation for the causes of non-violent conflicts and violent conflict escalation has not been found yet, despite a multitude of studies, theories and approaches in this field. 


Mirjam Weiberg-Salzmann poses the question of what are the reasons for innersocietal conflicts and what are the options to end them? She combines different theoretical and analytical approaches and focuses on democracy as institutional containment of violent conflicts using the example of Sri Lanka. She elaborates factors that prevent or could promote a peaceful solution of the conflict. Furthermore, she combines her findings with a practical goal and aims at providing policy advice for violence prevention and the consolidation of peace processes.


"Die Dekonstruktion der Demokratie durch die Kultur. Der Bürgerkrieg auf Sri Lanka" ("The Deconstruction of Democracy through Culture. The Civil War in Sri Lanka") is published in the series "Studies of PRIF" at Nomos publishing house. The study is available for EUR 69,-.