Towards a nuclear-free Europe

In HSFK-Standpunkt 1/2008 Giorgio Franceschini points to the risks of a nuclear renaissance and pleas for Europe as an atomic weapon free zone


Recently nuclear weapons have undergone a renaissance as a power resource in international politics. A surprising tendency in the face of the various agreements on arms control and disarmament which where developed since the mid-80s. Due to this alarming trend, four former high ranking American politicians started a worldwide campaign to remind us of the dangers of nuclear weapons. And rightly so, the risks of nuclear armament have by no means diminished. On the contrary, the possibilities for terrorist groups and politically instable state regimes to obtain nuclear material have increased. In HSFK-Standpunkt 1/2008 “Hirngespinst oder reale Option? Perspektiven für ein kernwaffenfreies Europa“ (Naive Fantasy or Real Option? Chances of a nuclear-free Europe) Giorgio Franceschini resumes the new tendency in armament and drafts three possible scenarios for the future. He highlights particularly the chances of atomic disarmament within the NATO which would give a perspective towards a nuclear-fee Europe.