The Role of Coercion in Peacebuilding

Report on international workshop in Accra, Ghana published

Teilnehmende des internationalen Treffens zum Thema „Coercion in Peacebuilding: Insights from Africa in an Interregional Perspective” beim Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Ghana

Participants of the international workshop on “The Role of Coercion in Peacebuilding”, Photo: Daniel Agyei Koomson, KAIPTC

Inter­ventions aimed at building peace and rebuilding societies after violent conflict have become an important aspect of inter­national politics. The issue of the con­ditions and normative preco­nditions under which such inter­vention practices can be successful is increas­ingly being explored. In the litera­ture dealing with inter­national peaceb­uilding practices and their transformation, the role of coercion is becoming more and more important. This topic was also addressed in the inter­national research workshop “The Role of Coercion in Peace­building: Insights from Africa in an Inter­regional Perspec­tive.” The work­shop took place at the Kofi Annan Inter­national Peace­keeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Accra, Ghana, from October 5-7, 2022, and was organized by KAIPTC together with PRIF and the Insti­tute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The report on the work­shop is now available for download.

The role of coercion in inter­national peace­building is often framed in the context of the increasing engage­ment of so-called “new,” “non-traditional,” “emerging,” or non-Western actors. This raises two questions: (1) Are emerging peace­building actors from the Global South adopting specific approaches – perhaps of a less coercive nature-that differ from the global main­stream of “liberal” peace­building? And, (2) to what extent is this mainstream being challenged or altered by the increasing presence of such “new” actors? Systematic research on the role of coercion in peace­building – both globally and with regard to Africa in particular – has been scarce. For this reason, discussing conceptua­lizations and identi­fying different types of coercion in peace­building was a key component of the workshop. The report now published summarizes the delibe­rations.

Download: Workshop Report “The Role of Coercion in Peacebuilding”