
PrEval Projekt (Foto: Ricardo Gomez Angel via Unsplash / Unsplash License).

The PrEval project brings together stakeholders from science and professional practice. The official kick-off took place in Berlin on December 9.

The Phantom Horseman,1870-93 by Sir John Gilbert (d.1897)

Second volume of the annotated bibliography on the history of theory published


On 13.12.2022 the TraCe Kick-Off took place in Berlin

Vorstellung des Rüstungsexportberichts 2022 der GKKE auf der Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin

GKKE presents this year's report at the Federal Press Conference


PRIF Team Develops a City Walk in the Leibniz Research Network “Historical Authenticity”

Fokusgruppendiskussion in Djikôfê, Ouagadougou

PRIF Report on local perceptions of AU and ECOWAS interventions in Burkina Faso.

Audiokassette auf hellblauem Grund, Cover des Buches

Publication of the Leibniz Research Network "Historical Authenticity" presented in Berlin

HM Government advises to "Get ready for Brexit" on an advertising board

Matthias Dembinski and Dirk Peters have edited new issue of the journal Historical Social Research (HSR)

Radikalisierung als Graffiti

PRIF researchers and Hessian State Agency for Civic Education (HLZ) develop new FAQ

Bild zeigt ein Legomännchen mit einer Lupe und ein Legomännchen im Fadenkreuz vor rotem Hintergrund

Manjana Sold participates in BpB Masterclass “Präventionsfeld Islamismus” (prevention field Islamism)
