
Floor piece no. 1 (Cube structure based on nine modules) (Vloerstructuur nr. 1) Artist: Sol LeWitt (1979)

New research project PATTERN analyses conflict patterns in Europe's current security situation


Former Congressmen as PRIF Guests

Gruppe von Menschen vor blauem Gebäude

Report on workshop by PRIF, KAIPTC and IPSS published

Keynote Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan

Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan gave the keynote speech in the Austrian parliament

Vladimir Putin

New PRIF Working Paper by Matthias Dembinski examines the non-rational in international politics

Männer in Militäruniformen auf einer Bühne, die ihre Hände in die Luft strecken.

New PRIF Spotlight on military coups and political militarization in Sub-Sahara Africa

verzierter Doktorhut auf einem Stapel Bücher

Four doctoral students defended their dissertations in 2023

Ausschnitt aus dem Cover des PRIF Forschungsprogramms

PRIF presents its research agenda in a “living document”

Flugzeug vor blauem Himmel

New PRIF Spotlight (in German) by Frank Kuhn on the importance of the F-35A for nuclear sharing

Logo: GKKE

Simone Wisotzki has worked on the report as a member of the expert group
