
Once more PRIF has proven its commitment to equal opportunities. It is thus confered the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the second time.


In HSFK-Report 3/2013 Philip Lorenz examines in what way civil control over the military has been successfully reformed in Indonesia.


Our employee for many years Dr. phil Rudolf Witzel passed away unexpectedly on August 1st 2013.


In the latest HSFK-Standpunkt Nr. 5/2013, Eva Ottendörfer discusses ideal and reality of reparation trials at the International Criminal Court


Representatives of the twenty participating research institutes discussed disciplinary perspectives, the usage of the term "crisis" as well as recent…


Members of the advisory body of the Action Plan Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peace Consolidation published a memorandum on the…


An evaluation report by independent reviewers applauds PRIF’s outstanding scientific-political significance. The evaluators attest that PRIF's…


Professor Elke Krahmann studies the role of private military and security companies in UN, NATO and EU military operations


Hana Biriczová studies the impact of bureaucracy on the control of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons


In PRIF Report 121 Paul Chambers investigates the failures of Thailand's Security Sector Reform and how it could succeed despite the many backlashes
