PRIF@School – Network Peace Research and Educational Practice

Since 2020, PRIF coordinates the newly established PRIF@School network. Teachers from all types of schools are welcome to participate in regular topic-related meetings and network projects. The network aims at promoting dialogical knowledge transfer between the field of peace and conflict studies and peace education in school classes. This also includes the communication of current contents of peace and conflict research for civic education.

From its start, teachers from different types of schools in rural and urban settings, and who teach at schools that differ in their social and cultural composition, have joined the network, in addition to scholars and actors in science communication from PRIF and scholars in educational research. The consortium thus brings together perspectives from different segments of educational practice and social science research, especially political science and education. In addition, internationally engaged network members add global perspectives in civic education and expand existing contacts with international organizations and school partners for the benefit of the network.

The network is committed to strengthening civic education at all types of schools through various projects. For instance, starting in fall 2021 the #PRIF@School_Award will be announced for peace and conflict studies in schools. Individual students and groups will be able to participate in the contest with for example academic essays or term papers on conflict analysis, but also with a variety of creative projects. Moreover, training programs for teachers in the field of peace and conflict studies are available. The network also encourages (virtual) classroom visits by PRIF scholars to bring insights from their research in peace and conflict studies directly into schools.

If you are interested in participating in (virtual) exchange meetings or in (online) events of the network due to your work in educational practice or academia, please send an email to schule @prif .org.

Upcoming Events

Verleihung #PRIF@Schule_Preis 2022

Einladung zur Preisverleihung des #PRIF@Schule_Preis 2022 an der Goethe-Universität

Logo des PRIF@Schule Preis

Es ist soweit: Der #PRIF@Schule_Preis wird verliehen! Die Preisträger:innen werden durch die Jury bei der Preisverleihung bekanntgeben! Das Programm umfasst die feierliche Auszeichnung der Preisträger:innen durch die Jury mit musikalischer Begleitung und anschließendem Empfang.

Wann: Freitag, den 8. Juli 2022, 16:00 — 18 Uhr
Wo: Gebäude Normative Ordnungen, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Raum EG 01+02

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Zum #PRIF@Schule_Preis

Für das Schuljahr 2021/22 wurde zum ersten Mal der #PRIF@Schule_Preis ausgeschrieben, der sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 9 bis 13 aller hessischen Schularten richtet.

Mit dem Wettbewerb möchten wir die politische Bildung zu Themen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung an hessischen Schulen stärken. Es werden verschiedene Preise für unterschiedliche Kategorien vergeben, zum Beispiel zu den Themen nationale und internationale Konflikte oder gesellschaftlicher Frieden. Der Fokus des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs lag besonders auf Demokratie und Konflikt.


Dr. Stefan Kroll
Head of Science Communication

E-Mail: schule @prif .org