An Ancient Practice with a New Face. The Use of Water as a Weapon in Times of Climate Change | References

by Christina Kohler | To the Publication

1Von Lossow, Tobias (2020). The Role of Water in the Syrian and Iraqi Civil Wars. Italian Institute for international Political Studies.

2 The Pacific Institute: Water Conflict Chronology (Online Ressource).

3Kohler et al., 2019. Understanding environmental terrorism in times of climate change: Implications for asylum seekers in Germany. Research in Globalization 1. DOI:

4 Koubi, Vally. 2019. Climate Change and Conflict. Annual Review of Political Science 22:343-60.

5 Ide T., Schilling J., Link J. S. A., Scheffran J., Ngaruiya G., Weinzierl T. 2014. On exposure, vulnerability and violence: spatial distribution of risk factors for climate change and violent conflict across Kenya and Uganda. Political Geogr. 43:68–81


Further Reading

Gleick, P. H. (2014). Water, Drought, Climate Change, and Conflict in Syria. Weather, Climate, and Society, 6 (3), 331-40.