German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ

The Colom­bian peace process between the Colom­bian govern­ment and the guerrilla organi­zation FARC is despite all diffi­cul­ties and imponde­rables one of the few rays of hope in the cur­rent world­wide war. In order to sup­port the peace process in the areas of research, teaching and consul­tancy, the Ger­man Aca­demic Ex­change Service (DAAD) has been sup­porting the establish­ment and work of a German-Colom­bian Peace Insti­tute (Ins­tit­uto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ))  in Bo­gotá since the end of 2016 with funds from the Fede­ral For­eign Office. The Institute has since become the nucleus of a broad aca­demic net­work within Colom­bia and bet­ween Colom­bia and Ger­many in which the cent­ral themes of the peace pro­cess are dealt with. In parti­cular, univer­sities from regions of Colom­bia that are most affec­ted by the con­flict are involved.

The project is carried out by a consor­tium of German and Colom­bian research and edu­catio­nal insti­tutions. The scien­tific director of the Ins­tituto CAPAZ is Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, who also holds a professor­ship for peace research at the Law Faculty of Justus Liebig University in Giessen.

The foun­ding members of the consor­tium on the Ger­man side are PRIF, Justus Liebig University Giessen (con­sortium leader), Georg-August-Universität Göt­tingen, Freie Univer­sität Berlin and Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. The Colom­bian foun­ding institu­tions are the Univer­sidad Nacional (consortium leader), the Univer­sidad de los Andes, the Univer­sidad del Rosario, the Pontificia Universi­dad Javeriana, and the Univer­sidad Externado de Colombia. In 2018, eight further Colom­bian and two further German univer­sities joined the consor­tium as asso­ciated partners. These are the follo­wing univer­sities in Colombia: Universi­dad de Antioquia (Medellín), Univer­sidad de Caldas (Manizales), Univer­sidad del Cauca (Popayán), Univer­sidad de Ibagué (Ibagué), Unive­rsidad Industrial de Santan­der (Bucaramanga), Univer­sidad de Medellín (Medellín), Univer­sidad del Norte (Barranquilla), Univer­sidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín). In Germany, these are the Univer­sity of Erfurt and the Catholic Univer­sity of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Eichstätt - Bavaria).

A period of ten years is planned for the establishment of the Institute. Following the successfully completed establishment phase (2016-2019), the project is currently in the institutionalisation phase (2020-2023). A consolidation phase (until 2026) is planned for the following years.

Two ongoing research projects in which PRIF is participating as part of the Instituto CAPAZ are “Violence and Political Order in Post-Conflict Colombia: An analysis of the assassination of social leaders” and “The impact of the collective reincorporation of former FARC-EP fighters on the local reconstruction of the social fabric in Colombia”.

Further infor­mation and current news can be found on the website of the Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ) and in this brochure.

La reconstrucción del tejido social mediante la interacción entre comunidades y excombatientes de las FARC-EP | 2023

López Álvarez, Santiago / Wolff, Jonas / Barrios Sabogal, Laura Camila (2023): La reconstrucción del tejido social mediante la interacción entre comunidades y excombatientes de las FARC-EP, CAPAZ Policy Brief 10-2023, 27.10.2023.

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Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia | 2022

Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Valencia, Inge Helena / Wolff, Jonas (2022): Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia, in: International Interactions, DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2023.2142218.

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Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia | 2022

Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Corredor-Garcia, Juan / Valencia, Inge Helena / Wolff, Jonas (2022): Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia, in: Small Wars & Insurgencies, DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2114244.

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La lógica política del asesinato de líderes sociales en Colombia | 2022

Albarracín, Juan / Wolff, Jonas (2022): La lógica política del asesinato de líderes sociales en Colombia, El Espectador // Colombia + 20, 29.1.2022.

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Desmantelando autoritarismos competitivos locales | 2021

Corredor-Garcia, Juan / Wolff, Jonas / Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Valencia, Inge Helena (2021): Desmantelando autoritarismos competitivos locales, in: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Colombia (FESCOL) (ed.), Análisis,

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Violencia y participación electoral en el posconflicto | 2020

Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Valencia, Inge Helena / Wolff, Jonas (2020): Violencia y participación electoral en el posconflicto, Bogotá: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,

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La lógica política de los asesinatos de líderes sociales | 2020

Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Valencia, Inge Helena / Navarro, Margarita / Wolff, Jonas (2020): La lógica política de los asesinatos de líderes sociales. Autoritarismo competitivo local y violencia en el posacuerdo, Bogotá: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,

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The Political Logic of Violence | 2020

Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Valencia, Inge Helena / Wolff, Jonas (2020): The Political Logic of Violence. The assassination of social leaders in the context of authoritarian local orders in Colombia, PRIF Spotlight 15/2020, Frankfurt/M.

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Die politische Logik der Gewalt | 2020

Albarracín, Juan / Milanese, Juan Pablo / Valencia, Inge Helena / Wolff, Jonas (2020): Die politische Logik der Gewalt. Zur Ermordung sozialer Aktivist*innen im Kontext autoritärer lokaler Ordnungen in Kolumbien, PRIF Spotlight 14/2020, Frankfurt/M.

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Kolumbien: Der Frieden bringt neue Konflikte | 2020

Wolff, Jonas (2020): Kolumbien: Der Frieden bringt neue Konflikte, Welt-sichten, 29.3.2020.

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El posacuerdo llegó con violencia a Tumaco | 2020

Salas Salazar, Luis Gabriel / Wolff, Jonas (2020): El posacuerdo llegó con violencia a Tumaco, in: UN Periódico, 224, 6–7,

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Towards violent peace? | 2019

Wolff, Jonas / Salas Salazar, Luis Gabriel / Camelo, Fabián Eduardo (2019): Towards violent peace? Territorial dynamics of violence in Tumaco (Colombia) before and after the demobilisation of the FARC-EP, in: Conflict, Security & Development, 19:5, 497–520, DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2019.1661594.

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Kolumbiens Gewalt-Frieden | 2019

Rähme, Sophie (2019): Kolumbiens Gewalt-Frieden. Zum Anstieg der Gewalt gegen soziale Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen seit dem Friedensabkommen 2016, PRIF Report 3/2019, Frankfurt/M.

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Territorial peace in Colombia: Not just a rural issue | 2019

Baum, Max (2019): Territorial peace in Colombia: Not just a rural issue, PRIF Blog, 27.6.2019.

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Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflict armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP | 2018

Wolff, Jonas / Salas Salazar, Luis Gabriel / Camelo, Fabián Eduardo (2018): Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflict armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP. Estudio de caso: municipio de Tumaco, Nariño, in: Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ) (ed.), Documento de Trabajo 1/2018, (), 53-62,

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Colombia Under the Duque Government | 2018

Richter, Solveig / Wolff, Jonas (2018): Colombia Under the Duque Government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process, PRIF Spotlight 10/2018, Frankfurt/M. (Spanish translation available for download).

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Kolumbien unter der Regierung Duque | 2018

Richter, Solveig / Wolff, Jonas (2018): Kolumbien unter der Regierung Duque. Optionen zur Stärkung des Friedensprozesses, PRIF Spotlight 9/2018, Frankfurt/M.

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Frictions in Transitional Justice Processes: Colombia's Victims Law, Integral Reparation and the Temporality of Multiple Victimization in Displaced Women | 2018

Rähme, Sophie (2018): Frictions in Transitional Justice Processes: Colombia's Victims Law, Integral Reparation and the Temporality of Multiple Victimization in Displaced Women, in: Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance, 2:1, 33-56,

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De las Zonas Veredales Transitorias de Normalización a la Paz Territorial. Tensiones, conflictos y retos en el suroccidente de Colombia | 2018

Rodríguez, Alberto / Castillo Burbano, Ángela / Biel Portero, Israel / Corr, Jeinny Cristina / Wolff, Jonas / Dietz, Kristina / Espitia Pérez, Luisa Fernanda / Góngora-Mera, Manuel / Chamorro Rosero, Mauricio / Achicanoy Romero, Natalia / Bermúdez Rico, Rosa / Aboueldahab, Susann / Bolaños Enríquez, Tania / Rodríguez, Tania (2018): De las Zonas Veredales Transitorias de Normalización a la Paz Territorial. Tensiones, conflictos y retos en el suroccidente de Colombia, Instituto CAPAZ: Policy Brief 1,

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Kolumbien: Frieden durch Gewalt? | 2018

Wolff, Jonas / Dietz, Kristina (2018): Kolumbien: Frieden durch Gewalt?, in: Blätter für die deutsche und internationale Politik, 7, 25-28,

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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Freie Universität Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Universidad Nacional
Universidad Nacional
Universidad de los Andes
Universidad de los Andes
Universidad del Rosario
Universidad del Rosario
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Universidad Externado de Colombia
Universidad Externado de Colombia


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
German Federal Foreign Office
German Federal Foreign Office