Policy Coherence for Peace in Practice: German Government Action in Mali and Niger

In 2017, the Ger­man Fe­deral Govern­ment adop­ted the policy guide­lines Pre­venting Crises, Mana­ging Con­flicts, Pro­moting Peace, whose prin­ciples are in­tended to serve as stra­tegic com­pass for Ger­many’s en­gage­ment in (post-)conflict and crises settings. But what rele­vance do these prin­ciples have in prac­tice? And how co­herent with them is Ger­man govern­ment action on the ground? The aim of the study “Policy co­herence for peace in prac­tice” is to eva­luate to what ex­tent and why Ger­man govern­ment action aligns (or not) with the prin­ciples set out in the policy guide­lines. Focusing on two case study countries – Mali and Niger – the study exa­mines in how far German co­opera­tion in both countries follows these guide­lines and which factors con­tribute to or in­hibit po­licy co­herence for peace. The study also ex­plores the per­ception of (in)co­herence on the part of lo­cal civil society in Mali and Niger. The study is con­ducted in colla­boration with Dr. Abdoul Karim Saidou from the Centre pour la Gouver­nance Démo­cratique (CGD) in Burkina Faso and Baba Dakono from the Obser­vatoire ci­toyen sur la Gou­ver­nance et la Sé­curité (OCGS) in Mali. Em­pirical in­sights will draw on a kick-off work­shop as well as inter­views with re­presen­tatives from diffe­rent German mi­nistries and civil society orga­nizations in Germany as well as field re­search in Mali and Niger. The study is con­ducted on behalf of the Ad­visory Board to the Fe­deral Govern­ment for Civilian Crisis Pre­vention and Peace­building.

Project director:
Friedenspolitik kohärent gestalten: Mehr als nur ein prozedurales Ziel | 2023

Witt, Antonia (2023): Friedenspolitik kohärent gestalten: Mehr als nur ein prozedurales Ziel, Fourninesecurity, 27.3.2023.

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Policy coherence for peace in German government action: Lessons from Mali and Niger | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Policy coherence for peace in German government action: Lessons from Mali and Niger, Berlin: Advisory Board to the Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding, https://beirat-zivile-krisenpraevention.org/(...).

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Cohérence politique pour la paix dans l’action gouvernementale allemande : Leçons tirées du Mali et du Niger | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Cohérence politique pour la paix dans l’action gouvernementale allemande : Leçons tirées du Mali et du Niger, Berlin: Conseil consultatif du gouvernement fédéral pour la prévention civile des crises et la promotion de la paix, www.beirat-zivile-krisenpraevention.org/(...).

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Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Peace requires strategy, D+C Development and Cooperation, 30.9.2022.

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Kein Frieden ohne Strategie | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Kein Frieden ohne Strategie, E + Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, 30.9.2022.

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Friedenspolitische Kohärenz im deutschen Regierungshandeln: Lehren aus Mali und Niger | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Friedenspolitische Kohärenz im deutschen Regierungshandeln: Lehren aus Mali und Niger, Berlin: Herausgegeben vom Beirat der Bundesregierung Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung, Studie 5, www.beirat-zivile-krisenpraevention.org/(...).

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Cohérence politique pour la paix dans l’engagement allemand au Mali et au Niger ? Cinq recommandations d’action pour le gouvernement allemand | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Cohérence politique pour la paix dans l’engagement allemand au Mali et au Niger ? Cinq recommandations d’action pour le gouvernement allemand, PRIF Blog, 8.9.2022.

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Policy Coherence for Peace in Germany’s Engagement in Mali and Niger? Five Recommendations for Action for the German Government | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Policy Coherence for Peace in Germany’s Engagement in Mali and Niger? Five Recommendations for Action for the German Government, PRIF Blog, 8.9.2022.

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Friedenspolitische Kohärenz im deutschen Engagement in Mali und Niger? Fünf Handlungsempfehlungen für die Bundesregierung | 2022

Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia (2022): Friedenspolitische Kohärenz im deutschen Engagement in Mali und Niger? Fünf Handlungsempfehlungen für die Bundesregierung, PRIF Blog, 8.9.2022.

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Advisory Board to the Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding
Advisory Board to the Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding