To Be in the Know: Motivational Foundations at the Intersection of Conspiracy Belief and Protest in Germany

Two years after the beginn­ing of the Corona pan­demic, an emer­gent scene of conspi­racy believers conti­nues to hold regular demons­trations in order to voice their poli­tical interests. Although previous research shows that conspi­racy beliefs address basic human needs, the inter­individual reasons under­lying conspi­racy-informed protest and their connect­ion to overall societal trends are unclear.

In her disser­tation project, Mona Klöckner addresses the question of how and in what ways protes­ters' beliefs contri­bute to their ful­fillment of psycho­logical needs, as well as (gender-specific) identity and reality construction within individual psycho­social realities. With the help of inter­views and sub­sequent quanti­tative assess­ments in conspi­racy-informed protest groups, the project aims at explor­ing possible paths of pre­vention as well as of con­structive political engage­ment between con­spiracy believers and and non-believers.