Normativity of International Practices

With the intro­duction of prac­tice theories to Inter­national Re­lations (IR), the discip­line has begun to re­visit several of its key con­cepts by taking inter­national practices as the central unit of ana­lysis. This in­cludes the notions of norms and norma­tivity. How can prac­tice theories con­tribute to the vivid re­search area of IR norms re­search? How are inter­national prac­tices linked to inter­national norms and vice-versa? How can we criti­cize inter­national practices? This project ex­plores the mani­fold and in­tricate links bet­ween norma­tivity and practice. Dra­wing on field-theo­retical approaches and the prag­matic socio­logy, the project con­tributes to a better under­standing of how actors cope with and shape over­lapping fields and multiple, hybrid “orders of worth”. Theo­reti­cally, the project shifts the focus from study­ing indi­vidual norms to the nor­mative multi­plicity and hybri­dity of inter­national practices. Em­pirically, the project studies dis­putes about trans­national practices such as corruption in the German par­liament or infra­structure pro­jects in China’s Belt and Road Initia­tive. It ana­lyses situated dis­putes in which inter­national practices are e­valuated, con­tested, and changed.

Project director:
Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative | 2022

Lesch, Max / Loh, Dylan (2022): Field Overlaps, Normativity, and the Contestation of Practices in China's Belt and Road Initiative, in: Global Studies Quarterly, 2:4, 1-12, DOI: 10.1093/isagsq/ksac068.

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Multiplicity, Hybridity and Normativity: Disputes about the UN Convention against Corruption in Germany | 2021

Lesch, Max (2021): Multiplicity, Hybridity and Normativity: Disputes about the UN Convention against Corruption in Germany, in: International Relations, 35:4, 613-633, DOI: 10.1177/0047117820965662.

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China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative | 2021

Lesch, Max / Loh, Dylan (2021): China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative, in: Global Cooperation Research: A Quarterly Magazine, 3:1, 19-22,

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Praxistheorien und Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen – Zum Beitrag der pragmatischen Soziologie | 2017

Lesch, Max (2017): Praxistheorien und Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen – Zum Beitrag der pragmatischen Soziologie, in: diskurs, 1–23,

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Dylan Loh, Public Policy and Global Affairs Division, Nanyang Technological University
Frank Gadinger, Centre for Global Cooperation Research,Universität Duisburg-Essen