Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON)

How does democracy function under the conditions of the European multi-level system? This was the question that 21 research institutes from Europe and New Zealand addressed in the EU-financed project RECON (Reconstituting Democracy in Europe).

The role of parliaments in the EU’s foreign and security policy

PRIF's contribution to the project focused on the EU’s foreign and security policy, particularly the role of parliaments. PRIF researchers examined the scope of action available to national parliaments and the European Parliament along with inter-parliamentary cooperation in the area of EU security policies, both in general and with respect to individual military deployments. Moreover, they investigated the role of persuasion processes in the area of common foreign policy and analyzed public opinion in regards to EU foreign and security policies.

Parliamentary Control of CSDP | 2014

Peters, Dirk / Wagner, Wolfgang / Glahn, Cosima (2014): Parliamentary Control of CSDP. The Case of the EU's Fight Against Piracy off the Somali Coast, in: European Security, 23:4, DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2014.896341.

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European security policy for the people? Public opinion and the EU's Common Foreign, Security and Defence policy | 2014

Peters, Dirk (2014): European security policy for the people? Public opinion and the EU's Common Foreign, Security and Defence policy, in: European Security, 23:4, 388-408, DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2013.875531.

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Die demokratische Kontrolle internationalisierter Sicherheitspolitik: | 2011

Wolfgang Wagner, Die demokratische Kontrolle internationalisierter Sicherheitspolitik: Demokratiedefizite bei Militäreinsätzen und in der europäischen Politik innerer Sicherheit, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2011.

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Parliamentary Control of Military Missions: The Case of the EU NAVFOR Atalanta | 2011

Peters, Dirk / Wagner, Wolfgang / Glahn, Cosima (2011): Parliamentary Control of Military Missions: The Case of the EU NAVFOR Atalanta, RECON Online Working Paper Nr. 24.

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A Divided Union? | 2011

Peters, Dirk (2011): A Divided Union? Public Opinion and the EU's Common Foreign, Security and Defence Policy, in: RECON Online Working Paper, 19,

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Die Parlamentarische Kontrolle der europäischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik | 2009

Wolfgang Wagner, Die Parlamentarische Kontrolle der europäischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, in: Kadelbach, Stefan (Hg.), Europäische Integration und parlamentarische Demokratie, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2009, S. 157-169.

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Parliaments and European security policy | 2008

Peters, Dirk / Wagner, Wolfgang / Deitelhoff, Nicole (2008): Parliaments and European security policy. Mapping the Parliamentary Field, in: Peters, Dirk/Wagner,Wolfgang/Deitelhoff,Nicole (eds), The Parliamentary Control of European Security Policy, RECON Report No.6, Oslo: ARENA - Centre for European Studies, 3–27.

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The Parliamentary Control of European Security Policy | 2008

Peters, Dirk / Wagner, Wolfgang / Deitelhoff, Nicole (2008): The Parliamentary Control of European Security Policy, in: RECON Report, 6,

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Deliberating CFSP | 2008

Deitelhoff, Nicole (2008): Deliberating CFSP. European Foreign Policy and the International Criminal Court, in: RECON Online Working Paper Nr. 10,

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The Democratic Deficit in the EU's Security and Defense Policy | 2007

Wolfgang Wagner, The Democratic Deficit in the EU’s Security and Defense Policy – Why Bother? RECON online Working Paper, Nr. 10,  2007,

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Parliamentary Control of Military Missions: Accounting for Pluralism | 2006

Wolfgang Wagner, Parliamentary Control of Military Missions. Accounting for Pluralism. in: Occasional Paper No. 12, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Genf, 2006.

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European Commission
European Commission