Struggles over Socioeconomic Reforms: Political Conflict and Social Contention in Egypt and Tunisia post 2011 in Interregional Comparison

Socioeconomic reforms sit atop the political agenda in Egypt and Tunisia. Given that a certain degree of politico-institutional stabilization has been achieved, since 2014 governments in both countries have reacted to the worsening economic situation by addressing highly contested topics such as subsidies and public sector reforms. This has led to heated struggles that are sure to be of vital significance for Tunisia’s fragile democracy and Egypt’s reconstituted authoritarian regime.

The research team consisting of Middle East and Latin American experts from Egypt, Germany and Tunisia has analyzed the consequences of the contentious negotiations over socioeconomic reforms for societal peace and political order in Egypt and Tunisia. As a follow-up to the project “Socioeconomic protests and political transformation: dynamics of contentious politics in Egypt and Tunisia against the background of South American experiences", this project continued to look at protest actors  but also included the role of established political actors as well as business associations, think tanks/NGOs and international financial institutions into the analysis. A political economy framework was used to study the interactions between contentious and routine politics.

Looking at different policy fields (e.g. fiscal policy, social policy, public sector and regional development), the project has:

  • identified the most important reform debates in Egypt and Tunisia since 2011 as well as the involved actors, their positions, power resources and strategies;
  • analyzed strategies and interactions of actors involved in the (institutional) handling of conflicts in order to draw conclusions about the interactions between contentious and routine politics;
  • analyzed the outcomes of the conflicts with regard to differences in issue areas and countries;
  • analyzed the impact of these struggles over socioeconomic reforms on social conflict and political development in these countries.

For each reform debate, the results were compared between Egypt and Tunisia as well as with selected experiences from Latin America. Finally, the project developed policy recommendations and contributed to active knowledge transfer.

The project was carried out in cooperation with Dr. Amr El Shobaki and Dr. Nadine Abdalla of the Arab Forum for Alternatives, Egypt, and Dr. Bassem Karray and Dr. Hamza Meddeb of the University of Sfax, Tunisia.

The project was funded for three years by the Volkswagen Foundation.

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Weipert-Fenner, Irene / Wolff, Jonas (2024): Speaking Across Areas: The South-South Travel of Concepts as a Neglected Dimension of the Area Studies Debate, in: International Studies Review, 26:1, 19–21, DOI: 10.1093/isr/viad056.

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Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2023): Budget politics and democratization in Tunisia: The loss of consensus and the erosion of trust, in: Mediterranean Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2207429.

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Socioeconomic reforms in times of political transformation: Conflicts over the political economy in Egypt and Tunisia post-2011 | 2023

Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2023): Socioeconomic reforms in times of political transformation: Conflicts over the political economy in Egypt and Tunisia post-2011, in: Mediterranean Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2207428.

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Süß, Clara-Auguste / Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2022): One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, DOI: 10.1007/s42597-022-00081-9.

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Mobilization in Tunisia Post 2011: From Political Protests to National Campaign Movements | 2022

Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2022): Mobilization in Tunisia Post 2011: From Political Protests to National Campaign Movements, in: Zayani, Mohamed (ed.), A Fledgling Democracy. Tunisia in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring, London: Hurst.

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Süß, Clara-Auguste / Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know, in: ORIENT, 14-19.

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Go local, go global: Studying popular protests in the MENA post-2011 | 2021

Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Go local, go global: Studying popular protests in the MENA post-2011, in: Mediterranean Politics, Online first, (Open Access).

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Wolff, Jonas (2020): Las élites económicas en la Bolivia contemporánea, in: Souverein, Jan/Exeni Rodríguez, José Luis (eds), Nuevo Mapa de Actores en Bolivia. Crisis, polarización e incertidumbre (2019-2020), La Paz: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Bolivia, 139–163,

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Wolff, Jonas (2020): One year later: The legacy of Latin America’s 2019 mass protests, PRIF Blog, 17.12.2020.

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Arab Forum for Alternatives (2020): The Coronavirus crisis: Do current policies achieve protection for all? A comparative study of Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Report, 15.12.2020.

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Wolff, Jonas (2020): What Do We Know about Struggles over Neoliberal Reforms? The Political Economy and the Contentious Politics of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment in Latin America and beyond, PRIF Working Papers No. 51, Frankfurt/M.

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Nachhaltiger Frieden: Protestbewegungen, politische Umbrüche und Gewaltrisiken | 2020

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Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2020): Covid-19 als Krisenverstärker: Die Pandemie und die Verschärfung sozioökonomischer Konflikte in der MENA-Region, PRIF Blog, 14.4.2020.

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Arab Forum for Alternatives, Egypt
Arab Forum for Alternatives, Egypt
University of Sfax, Tunesia
University of Sfax, Tunesia
