Systems of Violent Social Control in Indonesia and the Philippines

How, why, against which forms of deviance, by which agents and with which level of legitimacy is violence employed as a means of social control? Which forms of violence are used in order to safeguard rule-following? How do those systems of violent social control evolve and change over time?

These are the fundamental questions we are interested in this project. Our fundamental hypothesis, which we will test by comparisons between several regions in Indonesia and the Philippines, argues that there are significant differences between those systems in various societies and that these differences can to a significant extent be attributed to differences with respect to three macro-variables:

(1) the dominant types of social differentiation prevalent in localities, regions or nations before the onset of colonialism,

(2) “traditional” cultural patterns with respect to violence, power, authority as well as cultural understandings of justice, freedom, groupness, and the like.

(3) type and intensity of colonial rule, by which these patterns were either reinforced or undermined and partially destroyed.

To be sure, there are a huge number of other variables influencing the uses of violence for purposes of social control. However, we argue, that countries, regions or localities which differ in their historically evolved understandings of the dominant principles by which society is differentiated into groups and which have translated these differences into culture-bound cognitive and emotive patterns as well as into norm-based social practices should likewise differ with respect to the types of deviance sanctioned by employing violent means of social control, the agents which do the handiwork of violent social control, and the forms these acts of violent social control take, and the powerstructure reflected in the specific configuration of the system of violent social control.

From July to December 2008, this project was supported by the Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders" of Frankfurt University.

From summer 2009, this project will be supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Project director:
Physische Gewalt als Herrschaftsmittel | 2017

Kreuzer, Peter (2017): Physische Gewalt als Herrschaftsmittel. Ein Vergleich dreier philippinischer Regionen, in: Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie, 65:2, 113–121,

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Mafia-style Domination: The Philippine Province of Pampanga | 2012

Kreuzer, Peter (2012): Mafia-style Domination: The Philippine Province of Pampanga, PRIF Report No. 114, Frankfurt/M.

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Mafia-style Domination in the Philippines: Comparing Provinces | 2012

Kreuzer, Peter (2012): Mafia-style Domination in the Philippines: Comparing Provinces, PRIF Report No. 117, Frankfurt/M.

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Violence as a Means of Control and Domination in the Southern Philippines | 2011

Kreuzer, Peter (2011): Violence as a Means of Control and Domination in the Southern Philippines. How violence is used to consolidate power in the Southern Phillipines, PRIF Report No. 105, Frankfurt/M.

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Domination in Negros Occidental | 2011

Kreuzer, Peter (2011): Domination in Negros Occidental. Variants on a Ruling Oligarchy, PRIF Report No. 112, Frankfurt/M.

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Die Gewalt der Herrschenden | 2011

Kreuzer, Peter (2011): Die Gewalt der Herrschenden. Soziale Kontrolle im Süden der Philippinen, HSFK-Report Nr. 1/2011, Frankfurt/M.

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Private Political Violence and Boss-Rule in the Philippines | 2009

Peter Kreuzer, Private Political Violence and Boss-Rule in the Philippines, in: Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 2009. Vol. 2, No. 1, S. 47–63.

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Philippine Governance | 2009

Peter Kreuzer, Philippine Governance: Merging Politics and Crime, PRIF Report No. 93, Frankfurt/M, 2009.

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Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)