The Legitimation of Non-State Regulation in Interconnected Normative Orders

Normative orders exist in the plural, with non-state forms of norm setting and implementation complementing state-based regulation at the domestic as well as the international levels. This interplay of state and non-state regulation assumes various forms. Governmental and intergovernmental regulators still define, initiate and permit or suppress forms of non-state regulation. On the other hand, there exist traditional grounds for legitimation that face pressure from state regulators.

Patterns of legitimation and forms of regulation

Looking at public and private efforts to legitimize (or delegitimize) regulation (and its plurality), the project looked at which normative standards constitute the dominant reference points for legitimacy. It also examined the extent to which differences in legitimation patterns can be observed. Differences can be found in terms of time on the one hand, but also between public and private forms of norm setting and enforcement on the other.

The project was carried out in close cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, which investigates similar issues through legal-historical perspectives.

Legitimization of Private and Public Regulation: Past and Present | 2017

Wolf, Klaus Dieter / Collin, Peter / Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (eds), (2017): Legitimization of Private and Public Regulation: Past and Present, Special Issue Politics and Governance, 5:1, Cogitatio Press,

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Patterns of Legitimation in Hybrid Transnational Regimes: The Controversy Surrounding the Lex Sportiva | 2017

Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2017): Patterns of Legitimation in Hybrid Transnational Regimes: The Controversy Surrounding the Lex Sportiva, in: Politics and Governance, 5:1, 63–74, DOI: 10.17645/pag.v5i1.835.

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Editorial to the Issue on Legitimization of Private and Public Regulation: Past and Present | 2017

Coni-Zimmer, Melanie / Wolf, Klaus Dieter / Collin, Peter (2017): Editorial to the Issue on Legitimization of Private and Public Regulation: Past and Present, in: Politics and Governance, 5:1, 1–5, DOI: 10.17645/pag.v5i1.915.

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