Hostile Proximity? Digital Mobilization Techniques of Salafist and Right-Wing Radical Actors in Comparison

Radical positions are current­ly on the rise again in many Euro­pean coun­tries as well as in Ger­many, and anti-demo­cratic and anti-emanci­patory ideas are sprea­ding. Hate crime is on the rise, espe­cially online, and comments and state­ments in the virtual world are beco­ming more uninhi­bited. This develop­ment has become particu­larly evi­dent for seve­ral years in the pheno­mena of Sala­fist jiha­dism and right-wing extre­mism.

By winning over more people to right-wing or Sala­fist ideo­logy and increa­sing the willing­ness to use vio­lence within the scenes, the mobili­zation strate­gies and tech­niques of extre­mist actors seem to be pay­ing off. By means of a quali­tative con­tent ana­lysis of Facebook con­tent of Salafist and right-wing extre­mist actors, Man­jana Sold investi­gates in her disser­tation project which mobili­zation techni­ques are used by diffe­rently radi­cal indivi­duals and which differen­ces can be observed within the pheno­menon areas.