Lost in transition? Putin's strategy for 2024 | References

by Mikhail Polianskii | To the Publication

1 For the full text of the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly see: en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/62582.

2  Medvedev is believed to have been notified 3 days in advance, after V.Putin met with
M. Mishustin, the PM-designate (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-17/putin-the-puppet-master-shows-he-still-has-the-power-to-shock?srnd=premium-europe).

3 Background on the new Russian PM Mishustin (https://www.ft.com/content/38967766-aec8-11e9-8030-530adfa879c2)

4 For the full text of the draft bill (in Russian) see: sozd.duma.gov.ru/bill/885214-7.

5 For the full timeline see: meduza.io/en/feature/2020/01/21/how-russia-s-constitutional-reforms-went-from-nonexistent-to-fully-drafted-in-only-five-days

6 Kendall-Taylor, Andrea/Frantz, Erica (2016): When Dictators Die, in: Journal of Democracy, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 159-171.

7 Federal Service for State Statistics (2019): Income, expenditures and consumption of private households 2018 (in Russian): www.gks.ru.

8 Levada Center, 26.11.2019, www.levada.ru/2019/11/26/emigratsionnye-nastroeniya-4/.

9 Under the Russian law, the next presidential elections must happen within the 3 months after the incumbent president resigns.

10 To get more information on the situation see: Zygar, M. (2016). All the Kremlin's men: Inside the court of Vladimir Putin. Public Affairs.

11 See foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/17/putin-planning-partial-retirement-russia-whats-next/